PCI is developing a family of ultra-compact solid oxide fuel cell systems. These systems utilize Microlith® reformers to run on logistics fuels. PCI’s systems are stack agnostic and can be adapted to both SOFC and HTPEM applications. PCI’s technology is readily scalable to small and large systems. This enables PCI to design solutions for a variety of industrial and government customers.
- Microlith® fuel reformers/fuel processors
- Sulfur clean-up modules
- Dedicated control boards with fuel cell stack, reformer, BOP, and User Interface integration
- Specified pumps and blowers (fuel, water, air, etc.)
- Power conditioning & electronics » Sensors
- Water recovery systems » Heat exchangers
- Steam generation systems
- Start-up & tail gas burners
PCI’s systems utilize an optimized system integration approach with efficient thermal management and robust controls, reducing their size and weight. The company is also developing their own advanced solid oxide fuel cells for implementation in SOFC power generation and SOEC hydrogen generation systems.

- Man-portable, mobile and stationary gensets
- Auxiliary power units (APUs) for air, sea, and ground vehicles
- Unmanned aerial system (UAS) power and propulsion systems
- Unmanned ground & surface vehicles (UGV/USV)
- Electric vehicle range extension
SOFC Power Generation Performance Benefits
- Water Neutral – Able to use less water (lower steam/carbon ratio)
- High quality power
- Low parasitic balance of plant components
- High thermal integration
- Ultra-compact and light weight
- High quality & reliable reformate
- Integrated controls
- Stack agnostic